This issue wouldn’t be possible without the very talented folks at Harbor. From summer reading suggestions to original photography, to a short film feature, I can’t help but sit in gratitude for all of you embracing this monthly magazine and getting involved since day one.


As we near our 24th issue (this being the 23rd) I cannot help but think. Wow. What will year three of the Harbor Monthly bring? This issue wouldn’t be possible without the very talented folks at Harbor. From summer reading suggestions to original photography, to a short film feature, I can’t help but sit in gratitude for all of you embracing this monthly magazine and getting involved since day one. What started as a small COVID project to keep us connected across geographies has since grown into a monthly reminder of Harbor’s collaborative ethos. 

So, what do I envision as we move into year three of this magazine? (yes, I’m fully aware we still have one more issue before year three of THM.) Well, I see more of you. More of the products and manifestations of your talent scattered throughout every issue, every corner of every page. 

We’re ready to push the boundaries of this magazine and see where it will take us. 

We’re ready for you to take it to the next level. 

Therefore, to close out this month’s note, I simply want to pose a question: 

What will you create with us? 

Let’s make it happen. Click here to collaborate.

—Gabriela Elder