One of the most beautiful aspects of this industry is our power to influence. And with power, comes much responsibility….


One of the most beautiful aspects of this industry is our power to influence. And with power, comes much responsibility. As storytellers, we engage in one of the oldest traditions of humankind to try to influence regions, generations, and cultures. And with streaming platforms continuously expanding, the means through which we can relay and receive those stories also expands (and will continue to do so). This issue is dedicated to the filmmakers who work tirelessly to tell the stories that demand we turn our attention to environmental sustainability and inspire us to act globally and locally. 

In this industry, we are lucky to work with passionate, artistic, expressive, and motivated people. These qualities not only realized in their work, but also in their personal lives. This month, we were lucky to catch up with Rebecca Seigel, Executive Producer, Live Action in New York. Rebecca is an active member in her community garden in Brooklyn and shares how to become a part of a community garden and how even the middle of Brooklyn can be an oasis if you know where to look.  

In addition to this, our very own Lauren Le Melle shares with us an original poem tackling the complexities of recycling, and the entire issue is graced with original photography from Drew Summers. And of course, we celebrate the projects #outnow so you can continue adding to your watchlist. 

With that, I hope you enjoy this issue. 

Thank you, 
Gabriela Elder