To All at HARBOR,  I trust this finds everyone well following a successful year.  So, just a quick note as we…


To All at HARBOR, 

I trust this finds everyone well following a successful year.  So, just a quick note as we launch into 2022, which promises to be the next step in our development as a team and as an organization. 

Having made (and continuing to make) significant investments in staff, real estate, technology, and equipment over the past two years, we are poised to take full advantage of those investments in 2022.  That will look like rewarding expansion across all of Harbor’s disciplines, geographies, and technology platforms.  And that will mean both stronger support and opportunity for all of us here at Harbor. 

You can expect to have new colleagues joining our team.  You can expect to see new studios coming online in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, and London.  You can expect to experience the exquisite collaboration of our global team, infrastructure, and workflows all seamlessly connected across our nearly complete private IT network and Data Center initiative.   

All of these positive developments are the direct result of our collective and committed efforts thus far, so I hope you will connect those dots for yourselves and feel proud of the extraordinary momentum we have created together.  Harbor’s existence was never guaranteed.  Nor, by our entrepreneurial DNA, would we have wanted it that way.  Rather, it has been made and propelled by our collaborative contributions each and every day, so please take stock of that and feel the specialness of what we have, and will continue, to build. 

We will get into specifics on all of the above in the days, weeks, and months ahead, but suffice it to say for now, that in 2022, we are anticipating further step changes in our evolution as a team and as a unique offering in our industry. 

It is with the warmest regards and optimism that I write to you all with hopeful anticipation for what we will do together in the coming year. 
